ive been using impulse 300, and whenever i put a cue of hot cue it always go to the next or last grid line/section.
please help me with this.
the cue point isnt set exactly where i press it but rather at i guess you would call it section point? (the grid lines / sections thats all the way through any song in djuced) which is really annoying.... how do i change this ?
I guess you are using Djuced. In that software it's like that by design to help placing cue points. If you wish, you can disable this snap feature, just check the manual how to do it.
Welcome on the forum.
As you have a DJControl Inpulse, I suppose you use Djuced software.
The setting to disable the Snap function (which glues cue points to the beatgrid marks) is in Djuced> Settings > General
PS: In 1 week, the administrator will move this discussion in the sofware area, and update its object into: "Djuced 5 + DJC Inpulse 300: the cue point is not where I want is to be"
I did not ask him not move it immediately so that you can find it your discussion, but a message on a forum is useful only if readers can find it and can understand it, so (a)/ placing this software question in the software area is the way to find it, because it is not hardware question (b)/writing the name of the software is the way to understand what you mean (c)/ and the current end of the object is of no use and in capital letters (on forums, a full sentence in capital letters is considered as shouting = aggressive).