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defective product? (rmx 2 is a ghost)

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ive reently aqcuired the herculese rmx 2 and it seems like dead hardware.  it just wont work.  ive tried to set it up on both my desktop and my laptop and the problem seems to be that the computer wont recognize the hardware.  i have two theories.  one is that the console is faulty and not recieving power.  or, it has something to do with asio.  i remember when i was using the original rmx i had to kill the windows sound service in order for asio to work.

please help i have gigs comming up!

im using windows 7... 

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P.S. I already downloaded the firmware patch and did everything the Herculese site says to do and I just cant bring life to this thing!


Hello Mallory,

Please precise

  • at which step of the installation you get an error message, and which error message.
  • your computer configuration: computer brand & model, CPU and RAM, version of Windows 7 (32 bit or 64-bit, Service Pack 1 or not)
  • your driver version (have you taken the last driver 2014_HDJS_1)?
  • if your computer have USB 2.0 (high speed) ports (DJ Console Rmx 1 could be installed on USB 1 full speed ports, DJConsole Rmx2 needs USB 2 high speed.

To check if your computer USB ports are USB high speed

  • Click on Windows button > Control Panel > System > Device Manager
  • In the device manager list, click the + (plus sign) or the left arrow starting the line "Universal Serial Bus Controllers".
  • You see the list of USB ports in your computer.
    • If the port name has lines with "Universal Host" and other with "Enhanced Host" (or lines with both Universal and Anhanced), your USB port is version 2.0 (=USB high speed),
    • If the port name has only lines with "Universal Host", your port is USB 1.1 (USB Full Speed)
    • If the port name contains "USB 3.0", your port is version 3.0 (USB SuperSpeed).
Topic starter

Windows 7 Ultimate | 64 bit system;

  • Dual CPU T2330 @ 1,60GHz (whatever that means) 
  •  2GB RAM
  • Sevice pack 1
USB nonsence;
  • I have 3 "Universal Host Controller"
  • and 1 "Enhanced Host Controller"
  • Then 4 "USB Root Hub"
I have not seen the console light up once, I dont know if the lights should indicate that it is recieving power or that it is recognized by the computer.  I first installed this onto my desktop computer and I just could not get it to work.  Ive installed in onto my laptop three times now, and I downloaded the firmware from the website.

Ableton has no idea the RMX is there.

As soon as I launch Vritrual DJ it hits me with a soundcard error. 

Topic starter

OK Just got a brand new error after reinstalling Asio from the Asio website. 

it says

Error in the ASIO sound driver:  Not enough channels 



In the device manager, your list "Universal Serial Bus Controllers" is fully normal, you have a USB 2 host since you have a line Enhanced Host Controller.
Please confirm you have connected the power supply and the On/Off switch is set on On.
Please try unconnecting everything from the USB ports of the PC to make sure there is no conflict on the USB ports.

Topic starter

Yes, Ive been checking these details for a month.  Im worried that the device is not recieving power.  This is not an old device, though.  I hve been struggeling with it since I took it out of the box.

No matter what I do, the Herculese icon in my tool bar at the bottom of my screen always has a big X over it. 


I suppose you mean you have installed the last drivers from Hercules tech support website.

Please confim you get this non detection issue even when nothing else is connected on the USB (I got a similar issue on a DJ Console Mk2, which was not detected whatever the USB port connected, and I found the USB mice was causing the issue: there was an electric shortcut which disabled the power supply on the other USB ports, and changing the mice solved the problem).

Getting a soundcard error message with VirtualDJ is normal if you have changed your audio devices since last session of VirtualDJ: you must go in VirtualDJ > Config > audio setup menu and set the audio setup fitting with the audio card detected.

1) If you have a multimeter, can you check the output voltage on the power adapter? (It should be 7.5v.)
2) Please confirm you connect DJConsole Rmx2 to the computer with the USB cable included in the box, and directly connected to the laptop USB port.

=> If the power adapter is fully working, if you use the included USB cable, and if you get the same issue on 2 computers without any other USB device connected, I suppose your DJConsole Rmx2 is defective and you should ask for an exchange.

Topic starter

OK Thanks so much for putting up with me!  I have one more idea before I try and exchange this.  I just unpacked a Behringer Ucontrol audio interface to work with my mixer and I notice it routs all audio related tasks to the interface instead of the speakers or anything else, and it is working like a dream.  Would it have any effect if I got another one for my laptop to use with the Rrmx2?  

Could I, instead of USB into the computer, audio out of the RMX2 into the audio interface, which then USBs into the computer???

(I wish I could post a picture of what Im trying to describe >.<) 



If your DJConsole Rmx2 is not properly detected on your computer, I doubt its controls may work since the USB MIDI control are a part of the USB audio.
Can you confirm you have not installed
- ASIO4Typhoon on your PC (this application crashes the ASIO on Windows, and restoring the ASIO requires manually uninstalling ASIO4Typhoon - not only uninstalling the program, but also editing the system with regedit to remove all what is related to ASIO4Typhone). ASIO4All has not this problem.
- Torq software (its rewire dll makes a conflict with the rewire of VirtualDJ).

Topic starter

Yes, I have ASIO4ALL.


If you have only Asio4All, not Asio4Typhon (and if you never installed Asio4Typhoon on the computer before), there is no ASIO problem, so if you can check both the power supply and the USB 2 cable work well, your Rmx2 is probably defective.
It may be interesting you call Hercules hot line to check it (Phone number in the US, 866 889 5036, I think it is a free call).