respected djs
please help me in 3 small issues
1. when i load songs in djuced many of the songs shows black & white type of preview in song bar .......... why is it so ?
2. i was using mixed in key and arranged my library according to energy level given by software as i kept my all songs with energy level 9 in one folder & energy level 8 in another folder and so on , i want to keep these energy level in djuced song analysis where can i change the meta data and with what software it will work i mean suppose songs analysed by djuced is of energy level 6 i want to change letter 6 with letter 9 how can i & where to change the meta data
3. how can djuced help me to make hot cues automaticaly
last but not least i am new dj can some one sugest me videos to learn djing very fast.
dj ksr