buongiorno, uso il programma djused 18con la consolle hercules, ma no mi vede i file flac!potete aiutarmi?
The new Djuced has replaced Djuced 18 and Djuced 40, and can play Flac files, so I suggest you try Djuced 5.0.2 which can be dowloadoed here.
If you have further technical questions, please complete your profile here (Il Mio Spazio > Profilo) and;
- in Hercules hardware in use (Periferiche Hercules Utilizzate): please click on the name of your DJ controller
- in Software in use (Software utilizzato): please check Djuced
- In Describe your equipment (Descrivi le tue periferiche): please precise your computer brand and model, the version of your operating system (for example Windows 10 64-bit), and your type of USB connection (for example USB 3.1 via USB hub)