hercules rmx, eepro...
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hercules rmx, eeprom repair

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hi all...

its been a few years since my hercules rmx was bricked during a firmware update..  the help i received from support back then was zero.. no solution or guidance was offered at all, to my dissapointment, they actually wrote : buy a new one..

now i understand i can fix my rmx using a simple eeprom to usb programmer.
can someone guide me through this process? 



1) How did you contact Hercules tech support,
- by messaging on  https://support.hercules.com/en/contact-en/
- by phone (there is no local phone support in Greece, but you could contact the english phone number for example)?
I am surprised nobody provided guidance on burning the Rmx firmware on an external eeprom burner as
- I started giving this information on this forum for years (pre-2015 discussions have been archived, but I started earlier, my account was Maxdjack, and thsi process was also explained by Made In Breizh, who now belongs to of Hercules UX Team as I do),
- this eeprom process information comes from Hercules who gave me the firmware .bin file and the explanation, and what I post comes from both Hercules technical support team and from my own experience.

If you gave no technical information to Hercules technical support regarding the circumstances of the Rmx firmware issue, they could not help you, as Rmx non connection most frequent issues are not failure during firmware updates, but
- firmware never updated : then it is much easier to update the firmware via the USB than to use an eeprom burner,
- =RMX USB cable too long : its length was OK for USB 2.0, but since USB 3.0, the the length of this USB cable causes some USB timing issues which prevents the DJ COnsole Rmx from being enumerated by the USB host.

 2) Anyway, if I consider you know your Rmx firmware was bricked during a firmware update failure, what you have to do is to:
a) accept my invitation here, so that I can send you a private email with the Rmx firmware file and the process to disassemble the DJ Console Rmx,
b) get an eeprom bruner, as
and learn to use a CH341A eeprom burning program
or find an electronic repair who is ready to do it for you.
c) then you email me (via the forum private messaging or this discussion) that you need the Rmx firmware bin file and the Rmx process to open the Rmx,
d) then when you get them, you open the Rmx, you remove the eeprom from Rmx eeprom socket thanks to an eeprom clamp,
e) and you place the eeprom on your eeprom burner, and with the program for CH341A burners, write the bin file in the eeprom,
f) then recheck with the computer than the bin file is readable in reading this bin file on the eeprom burner
g) and once you are sure the eeprom has the .bin file and nothing else, it is time to
h) remove the eeprom from its burner,
i) place the eeprom again on Rmx socket, test if the DJ Console Rmx boots when connected on a computer on which you have installed DJ Console Rmx drivers (2019.HDJS.1),
j) and if the DJ Console Rmx boots, unplug the USB cable, and re-assemble the Rmx.

Topic starter

Thank you for your reply... 
I did not get back to you as Hercules Official support started to help me... They said that they will be happy to assist me in providing me the file etc... And after that they simply vanished.. I've been sending messages on the ticket for 20 days and they are ignoring me. 



I have sent you in a private email on  https://www.herculesdjmixroom.com/en-us/account/messages/  the link with the firmware file and the guidelines to disassemble the Rmx. Please download it within 1 week as the link lasts 1 week only. 

Did you contact Hercules Tech Support with the email address you mention in your message (so that I check with Hercules Tech Support where/why you got no answer)?

Topic starter
Hi. I just found this thread and I have the exact same problem. Thanks so much for putting a solution for this problem out there. I already ordered the EEPROM burner you mentioned. Could you please send me the firmware file to write on the BIOS chip?
Much apprechiated. Cheers!

Hello DoranHannes,

Welcome on the forum.
I have sent you the firmware file in the forum private messaging. 

Topic starter

Hello, can I get updated instruction how to reprogram eeprom module, and possible ways to fix constant blinking lights. Also can I get eeprom bin file? Thank you so much for help, i hope I can finally use this gear.

Topic starter

Do you have, by any chance, some instruction how can I dismantle Hercules RMX to het access to eeprom?


Hello forawhileguy,

Welcome to the forum.
1) accept my invitation on  https://www.herculesdjmixroom.com/en-gb/account/friends/ : I can send the eeprom bin file and the disassembling instructions only via private messaging, so as long as you do not accept my invitation, I cannot send you a message on the private messaging area
2) confirm you have an eeprom burner (either a basic one as  https://www.amazon.de/DollaTek-EEPROM-Routing-Programmer-CH341A/dp/B07DJ4GF3N/ref=sr_1_6  or a better one) or you can ask an electronic repair store to burn the eeprom for you
3) and send me, in a private message, the request of "DJ Console Rmx disassembling instructions" and the eeprom bin.

Topic starter

I accepted invitation, thank you for your help. I hope for fast response. Cheers!, forwhileguy


Hello forawhileguy,

Thanks for your answer, I have sent you the link in the private messaging area: Wetransfer keeps the link active for 1 week.  

Topic starter

I accepted invitation, thank you for your help. I hope for fast response. Cheers!, forwhileguy

Hello? Please send me eeprom .bin files?


Hello sb84,

I have sent you adownload link in the website private messaging area.
The message in on   https://www.herculesdjmixroom.com/en-us/account/messages/
The link is valid for 7 days.

Topic starter

Hello and thank you for this excellent post. Hopefully it will get me back and mixing again.
Please can you send the required files.I have sent a friend request.

Many thanks once again.


Hello TheRealBob,

Welcome to the forum.
I have sent you an email on the private messagig area here with DJ Console Rmx firmware file. 

Topic starter

Hello! Please give the firmware for hercules rmx for eeprom. Thanks.

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Hello Ð•Ð²Ð³ÐµÐ½ÑŒÐµÐ²Ð¸Ñ‡,

Welcome, I have sent you the .bin file in a private message.

Topic starter

Hi! Thank you very much for the firmware and quick response)

Topic starter


I failed to update firmware and created just a blinking brick named RMX. 
Would you please provide me a binary image for RMX to re-flash? 

Thank you!!

I failed to update the firmware and created just a blinking brick. 

Hello DJ_Pai_1000,

Welcome to the forum.

As all users with the same issue, please:
1 - accept my invitation on  https://www.herculesdjmixroom.com/en-us/account/friends/
2 - send me a private message with the title "File for Rmx eeprom" and add a link to this discussion in the message.


Topic starter

Just a brick turned into a cool DJ controller!

Thank you for your support.


Hello DJ_Pai_1000,

You are welcome. 

Topic starter
Hello, I also have a problem with my Hercule DJ console RMX since it flashes constantly when I plug it in.
Would it be possible to send me the files to fix it ?
Thank you very much for your work.

Hello PoloGDR,

Welcome to the Hercules forum.

1) If the DJ Console Rmx had no accident during a firmware flashing update, the problem may simply be that the firmware was never updated on a USB 2 port, so that it is no longer detected on a USB 3 port.
If that is the case, then can you
a) have access to a PC/Mac which has only USB 2 ports (no USB 3) or to a computer with Windows 7 or Windows 8.0
b) get a USB hub which has a power adapter
c) install the USB hub on the PC/Mac which has only USB 2 ports, or to a PC with Windows 7 or Windows 8.0
d) Install Hercules drivers and update the DJ Console Rmx firmware on this PC with USB hub.

2) There is a french speaking area on this forum with a french-speaking moderation, so if you use a french speaking Windows/macOS environment, you may post your messages on this area to get messages fitting your OS language.

Topic starter
Thank you for your quick reply.
I don't think my problem is with the USB port since I'm already using a USB 2.0 port and in my device manager I have "unknown USB device (configuration descriptor request failed)".
For information, I have windows 10.
Thank you again, waiting for your response


a) If there is any USB 3 port on the PC, Windows 10 uses a (badly developped IMO) USB layer from Windows 8.1, with which many old USB 1.1 devices (including but not limited to DJ Console Rmx) are not fully enumerated.
b) If there is no USB 3 port in the PC, then Windows 10 loads Intel USB layer (older and much more stable) and a DJ Console Rmx should be enumerated if its eeprom is not bricked.

Please let me know if there is any USB 3 port on this PC (if the PC is made with a decent quality, USB 3 ports have a blue plastic part).

Ther point is simply to know whether
- you have tested your DJ Console Rmx on a PC which is not polluted by Microsoft Windows 8.1 USB 3 disaster layer, so either a Windows 8.0 or Windows 7 PC, or a PC with not any USB 3 port
- or you did not test the DJ Console Rmx on an old PC.

Disassembling the eeprom, then using an eeprom burner to reprogram the DJ Console Rmx firmware is possible, and it is needed if the DJ Console Rmx firmware is bricked (if the DJ Console Rmx cannot boot an any PC),
but if your DJ Console Rmx firmware is not bricked, if it never had an accident when updating the firmware, then it is simpler to update the Rmx firmware on an old PC which has not microsoft Windows 8.1 USB layer (or a PC without USB 3 ports), as it may be done via the USB without disassembling anything, and once the Rmx firmware has been updated on the old PC, then the Rmx can work on any PC even with the horrible USB 3 layer released by Windows 8.1. 

Topic starter
I'm coming back to you after a few tries that didn't work.
So I tried on an old PC with windows 10 and which has no USB 3 port and I also tried on a windows 7 and the results are the same for all these tests, the device is unknown in the manager of device and tried to install the 2016_HDJS_3.exe driver without success.

Hello PoloGDR,

I have just sent you the firmware file on the internal messaging system.
The files will be online for 7 days, so please download them without waiting.

Topic starter


Topic starter

Hello and thanks for all the helpful information.  I'm going to try the eeprom method as I am having the same problem.  I bought the eeprom and would like to be able to get the link to download the correct files needed to burn it.



Hello Defcrash,

What you need is not an eeprom (there is already 1 you may program inside the DJ controller) but an eeprom programmer (what we call an eeprom burner, as for example
or an access to someone who has a programmer.

Please confirm
1) you have an access to an eeprom programmer,
2) your DJ controller is DJ Console Rmx version 1 (not DJConsole RMX2)

and I send you the bin files.

Remarks: it would be more convenient if you could complete your profile as described in

Topic starter

Hi, I'm sorry.  I meant to say I bought the linked eeprom burner thru Amazon to use with the RMX eeprom.  Yes, I have the Hercules RMX, not the RMX2.  I just need the files to "burn" to the eeprom.

Thank you for your help.


Hello DefCrash,

Thanks for your answer, please go on 
to download the 2 files I have sent you.

They remain online during 7 days.

Topic starter

hello there to every body. Can someone send me the filmware for the RMX? I have an EEPROM burner but i need the filmware to proceed. Thank you for your help!!!

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Hello every body. My hercules dj console rmx die on firmware update can someone send me eeprom bin file to revive it pleace i have eeprom programmer. Thanks in advance


Hello mcfill,

I have posted an answer to your message in your private messaging area.
with a link lasting 7 days. Please download the files (pdf guideline and eeprom contents) before July 28th. 

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Thanks for help UX Team

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I Need This Firmware, you can send me ?

Topic starter

Hello mcfill,

I have posted an answer to your message in your private messaging area.
with a link lasting 7 days. Please download the files (pdf guideline and eeprom contents) before July 28th. 

Hey Friend. i Need this .Bin File you can send me ?


Hello DJ SPK,

Welcome to the forum.
Please look at your private message area in  https://www.herculesdjmixroom.com/en-us/account/messages/  : I have sent you a Wetransfer link where you can download the eeprom contents file in the next 7 days.

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