hi everyone, i recently bought an rmx console second hand and after 2 days the right jog wheel stoped functioning, i havee checked it with midi monitor program and indeed the wheel does not give anything whreas all other buttons read normally, is it something i can fix myself or should i go to the service, and if so is there official service in greece because i cannot find anything on the net ?
Hello Angelgr,
1) Please precise if you have a DJ Console Rmx or a newer DJConsole Rmx2? or
2) I think they are or have been distributed in Greece by Nakas, so probably Nakas can tell you if there is a repair service in Greece. If it is a DJConsole Rmx2, it is probably still under warranty, if it is a DJ Console Rmx1, it is probably too old to be still under warranty.
3) If you have a DJ Console Rmx 1
If the jog wheel stopped working with no preliminary signs (working randomly), then I have a suggestion:
- place the Rmx upside down,
- move the Rmx (smoothly, not violently), to hear if some part is moving inside.
- If a part is moving, then you may have a plastic particle of moving in, and maybe this particle has obturated the optical sensor which measures the jog wheel rotation, so maybe moving a bit more the Rmx will make this part leave and unobturate the optical sensor.