impulse 500 crossfa...
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impulse 500 crossfader midi values

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having trouble with the crossfader on the hercules impulse 500. monitered the midi values when sliding left the right, but when all the way to the right the value doesnt stick on 127 but slumps to 112 when released by the finger sometimes. this results in every dj software like serato, djuiced, or vdj to play the other track as a slightly lower volume instead of cutting the sound on scratch mode. 

this is a problem. i have a better % when the fader knob isnt on thinking it was about maybe the looseness of the knob weighting it down, but it still happens. 

is there a replacement fader i can soder? it doesnt look plug and play. can i manually change the values to cut at the new limited range? i love this machine and i dont want to give it up.