inpulse 500 eq knob...
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inpulse 500 eq knobs misaligned

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my inpulse 500 is just over 3 months old and about a month ago i noticed my high band eq knob on deck 1 was drifting slightly to the right. i didnt think much of it, as it seemed to be an intermittent problem, but recently most eq bands on both decks started to misalign as well, to variying degrees, seemingly slightly different each time i turn the controller on. ive also noticed at least one of them jump around mid set. while the controller is under warranty, the store i bought it from seems unwilling to replace it, even though its in perfect condition otherwise.

to rule out any software issues, ive tested it on both djuced 5.3.7, serato dj lite 3.0.6 and vdj 2023 b7555 and the problem persists. i use the controller with usb only and trying multiple usb ports didnt help. specs: windows 10, ryzen 5 5600x 3.70ghz, 16gb ram.

firmware/driver info:

what the knobs look like in software when set at 12 oclock:


Hello bloopiest,

Welcome to the forum.

It probably means your controller needs to be recalibrated.

1) Please precise these controls were uncalibrated when you received the controller or if they have changed in 3 months.
In general, faders/knobs calibration changes are gradual and a noticeable de-calibration occuring in 3 months is fast in a home temperature environment (faders/knobs calibration change faster in hot environement, so some DJ controllers which travel in containers may need recalibration when getting delivered if the containers were hot, as 70°C/160°F).

2) Please accept my invitation sent to
and send me afterwards,on the forum private messaging, a message with 
Title "Need DJControl Inpulse 500 Calibration guide" 
Contents: link to this discussion

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1) Please precise these controls were uncalibrated when you received the controller or if they have changed in 3 months.

It was fine when I first got it. I didn't notice any drift until it was past the 2 month mark and it only got really bad after the 3 month mark. My office's temperature is always pretty cool (around 24°C) and I don't keep it stored. Could it be some kind of problem with the board or the pontentiometers?

I'll send you the message, thank you for your time!

Topic starter

Since I got no further assistance, I figured I'd do some research and post an update, in case people are browsing for solutions.

Turns out my problem has to do with faulty pots in the mixer, causing a stream of random MIDI signals. Cleaning pots and faders (that weren't dirty to begin with) didn't help, so my only options are apparently to either resolder or change the pots. If your midi monitoring tool is showing CC values jumping all over the place, it's impossible to calibrate the controller (which is super easy to do, why isn't the guide public?).

Since this is still usable for now (just need to look at the software all the time and babysit the mixer to make sure it's not jumping too much), I'll just ride this out until I can buy more expensive gear.

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Did they tell you how to reset / recalibrate the Impulse 500?  You said its easy but dont mention how to do it and I have the same issue as you do, can you tell me how to do it?

Topic starter

I found the manual for how to do it but when I tried it, it didn't work. The last step was not working where I have to wait for a green light to indicate successful. I followed all steps and no luck. I can send you the manual if you want.


Helo Reymi,

It makes no sense to try to decalibrate your equipment while you are still learning DJing.
You should learn the use of gain knobs
- either in looking at the DJ Academy 

- or in calling Hercules technical support

As long as you have not understood the use of Gain, it is too early to consider volume levels needing.

When using a forum, you should look at posting rules and complete your computer DJing technical profile.
When posting on a forum, you should read the replys, and answer.

Topic starter

Hi, my profile is complete. Also, I downloaded your MIDI monitor software and all my knobs and faders function normally except for my right upfader(channel fader). In the program you can see that no activity happens until I raise it to about 80% level.



Thanks for posting your profile.

Please precise if DJControl Inpulse 500 is a brand new unit or a 2nd hand unit.
If the person who sold you the unit gave you the calibration guide, I suppose this person knew the fader issue (as the calibration guide is not circulating everywhere) and knew the calibration fader cannot (and will not) solve a defective fader issue.
If the fader is dead, it must be replaced, it cannot be recalibrated.

Topic starter

Hello thanks for the response. My controller is newly bought, from guitar center back in March/April of this year. Do I have warranty? I do find others with this same problem on other groups. 


Hello Reymi,

Yes, the DJ controller is under warranty, but if the problem is that you not hardware related, it will not solve anything.
You can test hardware simply, it takes 1 minute.

Topic starter

Hello, I'm confused. I mentioned that I already downloaded the midi monitor to test my right channel fader. I mentioned that it clearly showed that my fader did not have any action until I raised the fader to about 80%. You then mentioned that if that's the case that it cannot be calibrated that it's a hardware issue. What are my next steps?



I do not know the Midi monitor app you have downloaded as the  app I use is a web app (one cannot download it).

It takes 1 minute to check in  and the benefit of   is that it gives real figure without bias.
Testing in Serato DJ Pro makes no sense as Serato changes the fader curve with the upfader settings, changes the sound level with the gain setting, change the output level with the limiter: the website MIDI Monitor displays simply the value of the control, and it says whether the control works or not.

Topic starter

Hello, I'm confused. I mentioned that I already downloaded the midi monitor to test my right channel fader. I mentioned that it clearly showed that my fader did not have any action until I raised the fader to about 80%. You then mentioned that if that's the case that it cannot be calibrated that it's a hardware issue. What are my next steps?



Please contact Hercules technical support on
They will ask you to use Google Chrome to go to MIDI Monitor and they will check with you the MIDI values.

Whether you write in bigger or smaller characters, they will ask the MIDI values.

Topic starter

Hi i have a similar problem, my HIGH eq knob midi values are changing on it's own and is not 0 at the top position

Inpulse 500, bought new but some time ago.


At the most left position:
CC#36 Value 0 channel 2
CC#4 Value 0 channel 2

At the most right position:
CC#36 Value 0 channel 127
CC#4 Value 0 channel 127

at the top/center position the value, and seemingly most of the top half positions, fluctates on it's own, the value changes without me touching the knob.

I have tested several USB ports

What's wrong?


Hello drixinthemix3,

A) Please precise your problem: what you do not write is not known as we cannot see your controller and your tests.

1) Is your jitter (virtual position changing by itself) issue only on Deck 1 EQ High rotary pot or on both Deck 1 & Deck 2?

2) You probably mistyped the right (max) position figures, it should be 
CC#4 Value 127 channel 2 
(CC#4 is the MSB = Most Significant Byte / CC#36 is the LSB = Least Significant Byte => the MSB information is enough for me)

3) When turning Deck 1 EQ High rotary on central position (when you feel a click= center detent)
- do you get the CC#4 figure CC#4 Value 64 channel 2
- if yes, does the value stay on 64 or do you see a continuous change?

B) If your issue is central value jittering constantly (CC#4 Value 64 channel 2 changing constantly to other values), the cause may be:
1) USB bus power stability: then you should try
- adding a USB hub which has a power adapter between DJCInpulse 500 and the computer (as I suggested in the discussion )
- change USB cable with another USB 2.0 cable USB A to USB B (keep it short, no longer than 1.5m/5 feet, and try only with thick cables)
2) dust on the rotary potentiometer taper: it is unlikely as the cap on the rotary potentiometer covers the potentiometer and should protect from the dust. You can try removing the cap, and placing a vacuum cleaner on the potentiometer hole to catch the dust.
3) defective potentiometer: then contact your retailer or Hercules support.

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