jogwheel changing p...
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jogwheel changing pitch

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hi guys,

i just got a hercules universal and am running djuced 40

i am having problems with the jogwheel, which is fluctuating the pitch drastically whenever i use it to beatmatch.

tried reducing/increasing the jogwheel sensitivity but the problem is still there. can anyone help? its reallly frustrating.


It is 100% normal using the jogwheel fluctuates the pitch bend, it is what it is made for: turning the jog wheel is made to move inside the track and speeds up or slow down the playback, so it changeq the instant pitch.
If, by the word pitch, you mean it changes the tone of the track, then it means you have not activated the keylock.
As you give no technical information (which is absolutely needed top provide technical help), not even your version of Djuced 40, I suppose you use a very very very old version of Djuced 40, so
Here a screenshot of the oldest version of Djuced 40, in this version the keylock is activated on a button called keylock.
If next version of Djuced 40, the keylock is can be enabled or disabled in a click on the button with label , over the pitch fader, with still a Keylock legend.
In today's version of Djuced, 4.0.8, (Djuced 4 has replaced DJuced 40 for 1 year) it is a button with label , over the pitch fader but with no longer a Keylock legend.