in my prevous version (3.1.4) it was easily possible to organize and clean up the song library, so that erased,removed,renamed replaced etc tracks were re-organized in the proper way. in the lasest version (after a more or less forced migration from the former version because something essential as keylock was disabled) i cannot find if and if yes how this should be done.
resulting in a mess in my me out please??
Hello Jonahfresh,
Welcome on the forum.
1) Please complete your profile in "My Space"> "My Profile" .
- computer brand and model,
- CPU,
- quantity of RAM,
- type of USB on the computer (USB 2, USB 3.0, USB 3.1)
- version of Windows or macOS (in detail, for example Windows 10 64-bit build 1709)
- version of DJConsole Series driver package installed on the computer (for example 2019_HDJS_1)
2) Please try to WRITE PRECISELY which feature you used before and cannot use now.
Writing there is a mess in your library does not tell what you want to do and cannot do.
If you are in Windows, then to rename or remove tracks from the library,
- go in song library (not in the playlist),
- select the track(s) with Control+left click
- right click > File Operations > and select Rename or Remove.
3) There was no forced migration from an earlier version. Keylock was not disabled in Djuced 3.1.4.