hello, i bought a hercules rmx2 and i have some troubles.
i like to use virutal dj and i tried the rmx2 on the virtual dj free version but i can only mix for 10 minutes because its free. now i got the pro version that also came with it and vdj cant map it (cant find it)
but the weird thing is that at sound setup > sound card > asiodriver > djconsole rmx2 asio. so vdj finds it there but not at mappers. i tried everything, i rescanned for new devices, reïnstalled drivers,...
mappers just cant find it
The Rmx2 comes with Virtuald DJ LE (Limited Edition), a special version configured specifically to work only with this controller. Because of this, certain fonctionnalities are not available such as changing the controller configuration, adding effects and skin, etc., which are only avilable in the Pro Full version.
If you would like to upgrade to the Pro Full version, enter your serial number on the following page in the section Upgrade to Virtual DJ Pro Full to know the rebate you are entitled to because you own another version:
But I already have the pro full version. I still can't map it. 🙁
Okay now it works with the LE version. But I can'thear anything, I tried every settings... 🙁
Go with this configuration:
- Input : None
- Output(s): Headphone > Master Chan1/2 / headphone Chan3/4
- Soundcard: ASIO > DJ Console Rmx2
Then make sure to connect your speakers to Output 1-2 (either XLR or RCA) on the back of the console, and your headphone to the top or front connector.