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virtual dj mapping for dj control air+

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hi all.
few days ago i had to reinstall my windows and after that i had to install drivers and virtual dj and how surprised i was that my virtual dj dont see my console in mappers,i can see it as asio but i dont see any mappers so i went to hercules website for help cos i knew that there are mappers for my console and again i was surprised,now there is no more mappers for virtual dj just for tractor.can some of you guys help me with this and i know its not the virtual problem just the mappers is what i need now,if someone have it please send me them.
best regards


As mentionned on the support site, Virtual DJ PRO FULL now natively support the DJControl AIR+ so you don't need to install a map for your controller to be recognized. Simply update your software to the the latest version.


Topic starter

Well thats odd cos i have the latest version and still no mapping,i'v already contacted Virtual Dj support and they sey the same that it have to support it,well it's not working for me so if there is somebody that have that mappers please send me them 😉


What is odd is that the mapping does appear in the list of supported products and that they would not know about it:

Topic starter

2 Thing are odd.
1.I have the nevest version 7.4.1  that is supose to have mappers for it.
2.that i see in mappers only keybord and simple MIDI wrapper.
I guess nobody will help here so the best is to stick to tractor(payd 500€ for Virtual and console together and still not have what i need) nice


If Virtual DJ does not detect  the console, maybe it is simply not installed correctly in the first place:

Topic starter

The console is detected its mapping problem
here are screens from my pc.


i just need mapping thats all,i even tryed the pack of mapping that is posted on Vitrual DJ website and it still not working 


Does it work as a MIDI controller outside of VDJ then?

Topic starter

Yes it does.


By the way,it works perfect with traktor djuced and even decadance,i only have problem with mapping in virtual,those mapping before update of virtual from 7.4 to 7.4.1 when they ware on hercules support website was working for me just fine but now when they are gone i have no mapping and Virtual have no mapping for it,at least my virtual 🙁
I tryed reinstalling consol driver,than i was trying to even map it myself but no succes,i'm really sorry that those mapping is removed from hercules support site.
I guess soon i'll be forced to sell both,the console and Virtual dj as well. 


No need to be so dramatic. The problem is clearly with VDJ and I doubt having the maps would make a difference since it doesn't seem to detect the controller, but if it can help ease your mind:

Topic starter

Phatso menny thanks but can you tell me the hell did you find that??i was searching everywhear and no go but you had them and even on the hercules support website , hmmmmmm........interestning 😕
They are those old files that i was looking for,maybe for my consol its the matter of manualy puting those files in the right place.
Enyway menny thanks again.


Let me know if it does work or not.

Topic starter

Yeah,they work just fine,like the old one that i had before and like in old ones i had to do a little mapping for my own but i don't mind,i am happy i can go on air in my radio again.
Menny thanks. 


These files are essentially the same files included in the mapper pack which apparently didn't work for you previously. I'm not sure I understand what is going on your system...