So i wanna know a few quick things,
1. Could i put my own custom art on the Vinyls for the T7 without mucking anything up?
2. How would i go about doing that under the instance that its safe ta do?
Yes, you may add your own custom art on a vinyl disc for T7 as T7 vinyl discs have not audio contents (T7 does not read the grooves) and T7 has no capacitive detection to detects the touch on the vinyl disc. You can for example
- paint on the vinyl disc the artwork you want,,
- or design a sticker on your computer, print this sticker and stick it on the vinyl disc,
- or make a silk screen with the artwork, to paint the artwork on the discs,
Or professional manufacturers can make the disc with your artwork, as 12inchskinz in the US or in the UK.