DJUCED recording fi...
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DJUCED recording file format

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Hi, I have an issue with DJUCED recording. When i started recording one month ago, the output (save without compression) was a XTML5 file (that was ok). I should have changed something on djuced settings and now it converts every mix in WAV format (that creates files of more than a GB even with the lowest quality set, that is too much for me since I cannot it convert it to mp3 with common converters online). I tried to set the default settings, but I still have the same issue. What has happened? Do you have any suggestion on how to turn the file output back to XTML5 or another lighter format?

Thank youu

1 Answer

Hello Beniamo,

Welcome to the forum.

You talk of 2 different type of recordings:

- the xml files you mention are text files describing what you record
You can enable or disable the creation of this text file in Djuced Settings, > Record, if you check in the field text file Output.
The xml file does not include the sound of your mix, it simply lists the audio files you include in your mix and says where each file starts and ends, which is very useful when you upload a track for example on SounCloud to list the credits/ 

- The wav files are the actual audio recording of your music. It is big because for example if you record at 16-bit x 2 (for stereo) at 44.1Khz, it makes 635 MegaBytes per hour.
If you want to compress it, you should convert it to MP3 or WMA or another compressed format hafter having finished the recording.