Volume faders actin...
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Volume faders acting on their own

3 Posts
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Hi, my Hercules DJControl Inpulse 300 is working completely fine, but inside DJUCED both volume faders are moving up and down on their own. It's very annoying and I can't mix normally like I used to before. Does anyone have a solution for this ?

3 Answers

Hello Furiosity,


Please precise what you mean as "inside DJUCED both volume faders are moving up and down on their own".
Do you mean:
1 - while you do nothing in Djuced, with no music playing, you see the virtual volume faders moving
2 - while Djuced is playing music, but you do not touch the DJ controller, you see the virtual volume faders moving
3 - while Djuced is playing music, and you send commands on the controller, you see the virtual volume faders moving 
4 - something else.

Please precise
- your version of Djuced, your version of Windows or macOS, and which DJ drivers packaging you have installed
- whether you get this result with no other USB devices connected to the PC or Mac computer. 

Topic starter

2 - while Djuced is playing music, but I do not touch the DJ controller, the virtual faders are moving


Hello Furiositty,

Can you
- close Djuced,
- run Hercules DJ control panel,
- go at the About tab,
- check if the MIDI icon on bottom left (between Speaker icon and LED icon) is green while you do not touch any control?

If it is green, the controller is sending MIDI commands by itself which shows a problem with the controller on the computer.
1)  Can you test if you still get this issue after
- removing the USB devices connected to the computer, 
- connecting the DJ controller to another USB port on the computer,
- connecting the DJ controller to a USB hub powered by a power adapter
- connecting the DJ controller with another USB 2 cable ?

2) Can you try on another computer?

3) If you still get this issue on another computer, and with other USB port, USB cable, USB hub, then the issue is on the controller itself.
Please run the 2nd test 
- run google Chrome,
- go to https://www.midimonitor.com/ ,
- and allow the connection with DJControl Inpulse 300.
Midi monitor should display a constant flow of MIDI data while you do not touch any control.
Please check if the MIDI data you see
- only start with CC#0 and CC#32 (= MIDI values of volume fader as you can read in the controller MIDI manual / B1 00 and B2 00 = Volume deck 1 and 2 MSB (= CC#00) , B1 20 and B2 20 = Volume deck 1 and 2 LSB (= CC#32 as 32 decimal value is 20 in hexadecimal format)
- are on channel 2 and/or channel 3 (MIDI channel 2 = B1 and Midi Channel 3 = B2 in Windows).