djuced: reload/re-r...
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djuced: reload/re-read id3 tags from files

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is there a way to reload/re-read the id3 tags from the mp3/flac files and update the internal database ? 
i checked the forum, the manual and 
in my current workflow i sometimes update the id3 tags (genre, key, bpm, comments, etc) of my mp3s/flacs outside of djuced using 3rd party programs. it would be great if djuced would have a function to re-read the id3 tags from the mp3s and update its internal database. 
right now i would have to wipe the database and re-add everything but that requires me to re-create all playlists and folders which is quite cumbersome.



Please precise your 3rd party program tagging ID3 so that Djuced team can answer more precisely.

For MP3 files
- Djuced should read/write most of ID3 tags on MP3 files as genre, and bpm.
- Regarding key, this tagging has not 1 unified standard (there are several ways of tagging keys) so each software has its own tagging (for example, MixedInKey rewrites the key tag differently according to the targeted application)
- For comments, each app adds adds its own tags it it so that comments are not very readable (for example, iTunes adds specific tags in the comments area).. 

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I use OneTagger ( and BeaTunes ( 
My problem is not that Djuced can't read the id3 tags but that after I imported the the songs Djuced seems to import the id3 tags (title, album, etc) into its own database but there is no way to update the id3 tags in its database if there are changed after the initial import in a 3rd party application. 

In other software (Serato, Rekordbox and EngineOS) you can reload the id3 tags from the files (mp3/flacs).
In Djuced I need to wipe the database and re-import the songs. 



Thanks for the detailed explanation.
Indeed Dr Djuced has just told me Djuced does not refresh its display of the tags once tags are imported.
I have asked him to add it in the feature list. 

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Hello, good news because this situation is very dangerous/dramatic.
Example : 
  1 - I imported 1000 MP3 files in DJuced
  2 - I decided to manage the tag "Genre" outsite from Djuced with MP3TAG (because we cannot change the tag for several files in one time in Djuced which is not designed to magane the MP3 tags for lists of files)
  3 - After several hours of work, in MP3 tag, all the "Genre" are fill-in.
  4 - I start Djuced again and see that the new tag are not synchronise with Djuced.
  5 - I decided to click, in the librairy, on the function "Analyze" -> At the end, the BPM, energy and key are calculated BUT all the fields modifed with MP3TAG are overwrite with the data from the database of Djuced -> No sense (and lot hours of work lost).
I think that (for a good behaviour) :
  1 - When we change something in the tags in Djuced, naturally, Djuced has to update its database + the MP3 file. (current situation)
  2 - When we click on the "Analyze" function, only the 3 fields "BPM", "Key" and "Energy" should be updated in the MP3 file and the Djuced database.
  3 - When we click on the "Check the library" function, Djuced has to update its database with the new tags in the MP3 files (for example if the date of the "last modification" of the file changed between the last "Check the library" and "now" to have a quick update and not read systemacally all the files).
Thank you for your support (sorry for my bad english, I'm a french guy  Tongue Out)
I know, an other way is to be sure that all the Tag are correctly filled-in before the import in DJuced (by not everytime easy to do when time is missing before a new party).

Hello Junior76,

Thanks for your message.

I am puzzled with your description as I use MP3tag for several years and I have never met the issue you describe.

When Djuced analyzes files, it replaces only the BPM, key and energy: it does not change anything else as the analysis does not seek the album name or the music genre for example.

I just tested a few minutes ago with 120 files in changing their music genre in MP3Tag.
When reimporting in Djuced these files I retagged before in MP3Tag, Djuced read the new music genre as I had retagged it.
If I analyze the tracks in Djuced, Djuced updates the BPM, key and energy, and that's all.

What Timeu describes is unrelated with the issue you report: Timeu says one has to re-import the tracks in Djuced to if they have been tagged after importing them in Djuced: it is unrelated with erasing music genre or something like that.