hi everyone,
i just submitted to the forum, so heres a very brief description of who i am :
been djing for decades, i am from the former generation of djs who mixed on vinyls, and lived at the time when mixing on cds was still a dream... nowadays, i still love and prefer the "hardware" kind of mixing than the "controller way", but anyway i bought a few months agos the dj control inpulse 200, just to have some small option as a backup in case my "hardware" equipment gets out of service right before i get on a gig (that happened to me), so i can quickly put on my pc with djuced and the inpulse and still got a solution for djing that evening...
anyway, im not english neither american, but i post here cause ive seen things get answered faster than on my native section of the forum.
so without further due, heres the big question im wondering about djuced :
isnt it possible to sort files by multiple columns ?
i mean, within the browser, lets state youve got tracks of different genres within the same folder, and you want to sort them first by genre, then within each genre sort them by bpm (as an example, but it could also be by key or anything else). i first thought that would easily work by holding ctrl and left clicking on the columns you want, but that didnt work. it did not work neither with alt, and i tried many ways but couldnt figure this out.
the idea would be like in excel when you work on a database and sort lines firtsly by column a in alphabetical order, then column c by inversed alphabetical order, and so on...
i bet many of you may say i should make playlists collecting all of one genre, and then within the playlist sort them by bpm, but i would prefer using this one and only folder so i can get more creative on my track selection and not always limit myself to what is whithin any playlist.
thanks in advance anyone who may help me figure this out, if any way exists (otherwise that could be an implementation wya for next version...)
Welcome to the forum.
1) I have forwarded your suggestion to Djuced teams.
2) There is a also a way, not in the browser but in the playlist menu, to create a smart playlist and to add several conditions
NB: the forum has a french section, a french moderator, so if you are french, you may post on the french section.
Great idea, I'll have a look at this function, thanks ! 🙂
I wonder if it's something you can do "on the fly", I mean while you're already playing live and some stuff is going on for the audience...? I'll check it if that ain't too long to create that smart playlist. And I guess you can delete those playlists once the party is over if you want to start from scratch again on a new party.
About posting in the french section, I may have done it but I thought it was much active here, I hope it's not much of a big problem, otherwise, my apologies for that.
Thanks anyway for the answer 😉
1) To sort tracks on the fly, have a look at Djuced assistant, whose control key is just below the browser knob on DJC Inpulse 200.
2) It woulb be better if you could complete your profile with technical information on your device in My Space > My Profile
- brand and model
- Type of USB port
- Environment (Eg. Window 10 64-bit)
- version of DJ software (Eg. Djuced 5.1.3)
- version of DJ driver (Eg. 2020_HDJS_1)
The benefit of using the french section if you are french is just more comfort for you (and getting settings in french, in case you use a french Windows or macOS).