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mapping low and mid filter

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good day everybody,

we are on our way to austria and i would like to record a mix in the mountains. is there a way to put the low pass filter on the filter knob and a mid filter on the low knob? that would be great. if not possible, then a combination of mid and high filters on the high knob. i saw that in another post, but the wetransfer link has expired.

thanks in advance.

lost index


Hello Lost Index,

Welcome to the forum.

Please never post a message several times, 1 time is enough, posting repeated messages goes against the rules of any forum as described in the legal terms of use here.

"You commit to using the message service in accordance with national and international regulations, and in particular you commit not to use it (...) to post repeated messages."
I have deleted your 2 other posts with the same contents: but do not repeat messages, as the admin bot bans accounts instantly when messages are repeated as it infringes the forum terms of use.

What is your DJ controller and you DJ software?

What do you call a mid filter? do you mean Mid Equalization and Low Equalization?

A Filter is not an EQ, it is a low or high pass filter, generally low pass on left, high pass on right: do you mean you would like to place
- LOW EQ (and not Low pass filter) on the filter knob
- MID EQ on Low Eq knob

Please complete your technical profile as described here: go in My Space > My Profile, and fill:

- Hercules equipment in use: check DJ controller name(s),
- Software in use: check DJ software name(s),
- Describe your equipment, write : computer model, version of macOS or Windows, version of DJConsole Series driver package as 2023_HDJS_2DJ software version as Djuced 6.0.2.
Topic starter

Hello there,

Thank you a ton for that answer! Sorry for posting multiple times. I ve updated my profile now.

Its the Inpulse 200 and I am using Djuced 6.0.2. I have a Macbook Air 2022 M2 with Ventura 13.5. 

Yes, I meant mid and low EQ. Like you written. I want to place the Low EQ on the filter knob and a mid EQ on the low EQ knob. Dont really need the Low or High Pass Function. Is that possible somehow?

Thanks in advance.

Lost Index 


Hello Lost Index,

Thanks for your feedback.
You can download a mapping file here for the next 7 days.

For my personal curiosity, please explain why you prefer
- separating EQ MID control and EQ HI control and losing the Filter control 
- instead of asking for a mapping with EQ MID+Hi on the same EQ Hi knob and keeping the Filter control
I'm not criticizing your choice, I just ask to understand your use.

Topic starter

Hello there,

 Thank you so much! Awesome.

 Good question. I don't really use the Filter Knob. I make my transitions more with the EQs. There are a lot good tracks with mids in the outro. So I keep the mids of the previous track and mix in the next track and blend the mids. That sounds fire somestimes. has to be in key of course.


Lost Index 

Topic starter

Hey again,

If I load the file it says: The XML file does not correspond with the current device.

I have the Ipulse 200 Mk2. Didnt mention that before. Does that matter or what could be the problem?

Thanks in advance,

Lost Index

Hello there,

 Thank you so much! Awesome.

 Good question. I don't really use the Filter Knob. I make my transitions more with the EQs. There are a lot good tracks with mids in the outro. So I keep the mids of the previous track and mix in the next track and blend the mids. That sounds fire somestimes. has to be in key of course.


Lost Index 


Hello Lost Index,

Yes, the mapping I sent you was for Inpulse 200 and not for Inpulse 200 MK2.
I will check it next week as I have no Inpulse 200 MK2 with me at this time. 

Topic starter

Hey there,

Thank you very much! 


Hello Lost Index,

You can download Djuced mapping update for DJControl Inpulse 200 MK2 here.
To use the mapping:

If you are in Windows:

  • Close Djuced
  • Copy the mapping file "DJControl_Inpulse_200_Mk2_3_band_EQ_No_Filter.djm" in C:\Program Files\DJUCED\midi
  • Connect the DJControl Inpulse 200 MK2 to your PC
  • Run Djuced
  • Go in Djuced settings > mapping,
  • Select the mapping "DJControl Inpulse 200 MK2 3 Band EQ No Filter"
  • Click on Load
  • Click on OK
  • and it should be loaded.
Please update your profile in  
- in "Hercules equipment in use", select DJControl Inpulse 200 MK2
- in "Describe your equipment" write
computer, Windows or macOS and precise the version, version of Djuced (as Djuced 6.0.2) and version of Hercules DJ drivers (as 2023_HDJS_2)