replace stiff cue /...
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replace stiff cue / play buttons ? (hercules inpulse 300)

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anybody ever replaced (soldered) the cue / play buttons on the inpulse 300 ? theyre so stiff... what would be a good replacement for cdj like action ?

heres what it looks like  

ive already replaced mpc 1000 buttons a while ago, this thing shouldnt be hard as well, is it ?



Hello aeorghaeorghk,

Welcome to the forum.

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Please precise what you mean as stiff Play Cue keys?

a) Do you mean they are more difficult to press on than for example the prelisten keys at the centre of the mixer.

b) Each reference of tact switch has its activation force, but the feeling also depends on the size of key casing: as your pressure force is spread all along the key to surface, for the same tact-swith, you will feel
- you must press strongly on a small key
- you do not need to press strongly on a large key.

CDJ-3000 Play and Cue keys are very large, so placing their tact switches under a small key as Inpulse 300 Play and Cue keys may not feel as light as you expect.

Anyway, for sure CDJ-3000 Play/Cue tact switches are higher-end than Inpulse 300 Play/Cue tact switches, since CDJ-3000 cost is higher than Inpulse 300.

Topic starter


Sorry about the font, no idea what happened...

You're right, not sure changing the switch would change much, the size of the key and its mechanism do matter as well.



Hello aeorghaeorghk, 

Tactical switches in DJC Inpulse 300 are cross references of Alps SKHHAKA010, as they are through-hole they are not very difficult to change for someone at ease with a soldering iron.

I suppose the activation source of Inpulse 300 play button is around 3 Newtons, with

  • 1.8N to 2N from the keypad and casing
  • 1N to 1.2N from the tactical switch

so to reduce Play and Cue keys activation force, there is a higher gain in reducing the friction of the keypad than in changing the tactical switch.

PS: No problem for the font color, I asked the administrator to change the font color of your 1st message. [Admin: done]

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Awesome, thanks for the info !

I did find the official Pioneer part number for the tactile switch (DSG1155), but couldn't find the cross reference. 

You're right, Alps SKHHAKA010 has 0.98N so there would be absolutely no difference... I guess there's no way a fitting replacement keypad with a lower newton value exists, so i'll just wait until i upgrade my controller.

Thanks again


Hello aeorghaeorghk, 

Can you confirm on your side 3 Newton (0.3 kg) seems for you the activation force of your Inpulse 300 ?
I agree 3 N is much more than the Play button of CDJ-3000 (or the Play button of Inpulse 500), but I would not call it very stiff, I know much stiffer Play buttons on more expensive DJ controllers.

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How can i measure this ? I guess i have to put a 300g weight on the button ? I'll see if i can do this tomorrow  ðŸ™‚


Hello aeorghaeorghk,

Yes, the way to check the activation force is to gently put a 300g weight on the Play button and see if it plays the song (of course, the basis must be small enough to lay only on the play key.

If your weight's basis is not small enough, you may also place a 600g weight over the Play and Cue keys. 

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Allright, i got my daughters to make some kind of lego tower with a single square brick base, not super scientific but i got it to press the button at 270 grams. So actually a bit less than 300. So everything is normal i guess   🙂