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Djuced on Hercules 500 not syncing

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Hi, is there a reason why beat align isn’t lighting up when out of sync or why sync isn’t …er… syncing?

1 Answer


If you reporting a technical issue without provided the technical information to duplicate your problem, forums cannot provide an efficient help.
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In general, if pressing on sync does not synchronize:
- either the beat grids are not adequate (electronic music tracks are generally properly beat grided, but tracks whose beat is produced by human drummers may have less regular beats, and then the beat grid may not match the actual beat of the track, and then sync does not work)
- or the track has no beat grid (then on the waveform you cannot see the bars for the grid): it generally means the software detects the beat is not stable and you cannot sync automatically, you have to sync manually,
- or the beats of the 2 tracks are too far to be synchronized.