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FX not working after Windows 11 upgrade..

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So, I'm still on this bug..

Deck #1 lost FX after upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows 11.

DJUCED : the last update : 6.0.7.

Controller : Inpulse 300 MK2

NOTE : Explaining the conflict will just confuse more, but with some trick shots I can get FXs using the Deck #2. I suspect Mapping.

But, basically : FXs are ON on the Deck #1 (are OFF on the #2) and I can't get any FX on the Deck #1.

  • I tried manually with the mouse : still..
  • I tried without the controller connected : OK

Also, I have a new Inpulse 300 Controller device that appeared in the list. Whatever the one I try, still have this issue

Drivers where installed before the upgrade, removed, updated, etc, etc, etc.. right now, no driver installed, since I've read they aren't needed with Windows 11.

Any hint?



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5 Answers

Hello Yannick,


1) On my computer laptop with

  • Windows 11 23 H2
  • Djuced 6.0.7
  • DJControl Inpulse 300 MK2
  • Hercules Driver package 2.HDJS.2023

I do not meet the issue you mention, whatever the audio mode (ASIO or WASAPI). So I do not think your issue is driver related.


2) One can select in Djuced the decks where the 1st FX rack (on left) and the 2nd FX rack (on right) are applied with the check box 1-2-3-4 on left of each FX rack. By default

  • On 1st (left) FX rack, decks 1 and 3 are checked
  • On 2nd (right) FX rack, decks 2 and 4 are checked.

Did you re-click in this check-box on the decks where you wanted FX to be applied, as explain in Djuced online manual?

When you upgrade an application or an operating system (macOS or Windows), or when you change the display resolution, if you find a setting does not follow its on-screen checkbox, it is always safe to click on the check box to make sure the check-box settings are synchronised with the app or the operating system.   


3) I do not know where you contacted Hercules technical support, I presume on

but 14 hours is not long at long in my opinion. I presume you know a community area is not a tech support area.

Yannick Yannick Topic starter 19/05/2024 11:51 am

Hi! After deep investigtion and tests, DJUCED FXs module requires a reprogramming. I can guarantee, that you have the same issue as I do. I recreated it on 2 other computers without even thinking of forcing it! I would prefer to go back at Mixxx and deal with their community than dealing with Hercules support again. The first and last time, I was told to spend for new equipment to use DJUCED and stop having problems... But brief, DJUCED is bugged. I proved it.




Je poste ce message en français parce que l'incompréhension semble liée à la langue anglaise.

  • Si le rack FX à gauche ne s'applique plus sur les platines de gauche, 1 & 3, il faut re-cliquer sur les cases 1 et 3 au bout de la ligne Rack FX1 dans Djuced, même si elles sont déjà cochées, il faut les re-cocher.
  • n'est pas un espace support Hercules (le support Hercules est sur ), community.hercules est un espace communautaire, comme des groupes Facebook, Instagram ou Discord, permettant à des DJs de discuter entre eux.

Bon courage pour Mixxx, la version 2.4 est bien, le mapping de Phatso pour Inpulse 300 MK2 aussi.
La règle du forum Mixxx précise "Be patient. You may not get a reply right away. In the meantime, use the search."


Hi guys,

I have the newest, Djuced 6.1.0 and I experience a similar problem with FX1. For me, the wet/dry knob on FX1 dont work with any decks.  I have checked 1,3 on FX1 and 2,4 on FX2. After many restarts etc. i assume that djuced is broken for our Inpulse 300 mk2. Please fix! Old versions of djuced like 5.3.8 works perfect.


Hello Wirnik,


Welcome to the forum.


1) Please consider reading the forum guidelines
as providing deeper technical information may help.
If you do not describe your problem with technical details (version of Windows, in which output you listen to the sound with FX etc...), you limit the help you may receive.


2) You should check in Djuced > Settings > Mixer whether the effects routing in pre-fader or post-fader.
If the Fx are set as post-fader, make sure that you listen the FX on master out, not in preview as when Fx are post faders, you cannot prelisten them.


3) Djuced is not "broken for our Inpulse 300 mk2" considering how many users have no problem.
Forum & social networks often cause this situation where a few users say everybody has the same problem, while the vast majority of users do not meet the same problem.
If you read at the message of the former user (mentionning he does not hear the FX on deck 1) and your problem (I am not sure what you mean as wet/dry knob does not work on deck1), I am really not sure you talk of the same problem, because you did not describe your problem. 

4) I have heard a Djuced update is planned within the next 7 days, with an update on the FX, but as you did not describe your issue, I cannot know whether it will change something for you.


Hello Wirnik,

Djuced 6.1.1 was released last week, fixing this need of Djuced 6.1.0 to click on the deck number to assign fx rack 1 to deck 1.