Hello there, i got faulty filter knob on deck A so i want to remap it on master knob
let me know i really need it
Hello Bobara,
welcome to the community area.
1) Please precise if your DJ controller is DJControl Inpulse 300 1st version or MK2.
2) Would you prefer Deck 1 Filter to be mapped on Master volume knob:
a) as primary command, instead of master volume,
b) or as secondary command, on Deck 1 Shift+Master volume knob ?
Its first version of inpulse 300
1.deck filter to be on master volume knob
Is still available because i really need it for set,
As the wetransfer transfer availability is reduced to 3 days, you can also download the mapping from
Hello team, I would need exactly the same remapping for the same controller but the file isn't available anymore, would it be possible to have it again ? Thank you very much in advance !
Hello Roodgero,
Please confirm the mapping you look for is:
-for DJControl Inpulse 300 MK1 in Djuced
- master volume knob controlling Deck 1 Filter?
It seems very specific so I need to check it is really this mapping you look for.
Hello team,
Yes I need this because my deck 1 filter knob doesn't work anymore. It is a 300 MK1 yes. Thank you very much.
Hello Roodgero,
Enclosed is a 7-day link for the mapping file, it seems to work in the test I have made.
Hello team, I have missed the 7 day expiration date, can you send it again ? Thanks
Hello Roodgero,
Here is the new link, still for 7 days.
Hello Team,
Thanks I have tested the mapping but it seems to be the browser that is controlling the deck 1 filter, but we talked about the :
- master volume knob controlling Deck 1 Filter
Can I have it with the master volume knob controlling deck 1 filter, as described in the linked image : green knob cotnrolling the filter of deck 1 (red arrow)
I also tried to do it myself based on the file you provide, but I can't find the name of the MASTER or HEADPHONES knob mapping in the file, do you have any documentations that could help me making my own mapping?
Thank you very much !