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Jog wheels stuck and one tighter than another

3 Posts
2 Users
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Hello all!

I'm experiencing problems with jog wheels, they are almost stuck and only spinning around 1 quarter applying enough force . I've read all the old posts in the archive (applied all the suggestions without luck) and I kindly ask if somebody can explain me the jog wheel friction update process. The unit is out of warranty.

Bets regards


3 Answers

Hello Rob5,

I have sent you on the forum private messaging page a guideline to update the friction.
You can read your private message in going on your profile page and clicking on Messages tab.

Please make sure the unit is out of warranty before starting any disassembling.
I you decide to remove the e-clip, I suggest you put a tape on the spring and another on the e-clip since, as both are tiny parts which may jump out when you remove the e-clip, it would be a pity to lose one of these parts.

The wetransfer link I have sent you to download lasts only 3 days. 

Topic starter

Thank You!! It's been helpful!   🙂


Hello Rob5,
You are welcome.