I am having the same issue with USB 3.0 ports and a need for firmware update 18 that is described in this post:
My issue is with DJ control RMX but the issue is the same. If anyone can get me the needed firmware file it would be much appreciated.
Hello Otomox,
Welcome to the user community
The firmware is not the same for DJ Console Rmx and for DJ 4Set even if the USB audio chipset is the same, the controller is not the same, so the firmware is entirely different, the firmware version for DJ Console Rmx to operate on today's computers with Windows 10 or 11 is release 32.
1) Have you anywhere access to a PC operating in Windows 8.0 or older?
2) If you have no PC operating in Windows 8.0 or older, you cannot upgrade the DJ Console Rmx firmware via the USB bus, you need to
- open the DJ Console Rmx casing,
- remove the printed circuit board which has the USB port,
- remove the eeprom which is on a socket,
- program the eeprom on an eeprom programmer (as https://www.amazon.com/WWZMDiB-CH341A-Programmer-Removable-Organizer/dp/B0BYSRSZPC/ )
- and re-install the eeprom in the controller.
If you are at ease with eeprom programming or if you know an electronic repair store, I can send you the firmware to burn in the eeprom, but it cannot be done without opening the casing a removing the eeprom except if you have an old PC from the time before Microsoft changed the USB layer of its operating system.
Hello, i found topic in "archive" that if i need the .bin for "hercules DJ console RMX" (the first version) i need to accept invitation from "Hercules Official" and send direct message. But, i have registered here and i cannot write direct messages. And also i cannot reply in that topic because it is in archive?. So please guide me how to get the .bin file. Few years ago i do all that stuff posted with USB2-3, windows XP.7.8 etc... In my opinion, the console is broken (i bought it so). I am "using" it as a decoration, BUT, if there is a way to make it working again, i will be wery happy!! I was using another one long time ago, and i think it is a "good piece of history"... pls help.
Hello Puetronet,
Welcome to the user forum.
Please confirm you have understood that to reprogram the eeprom inside the RMX with the firmware release 18, you need to
1) remove the ground panel of DJ Console Rmx, remove the eeprom,
2) reprogram the eeprom with the bin file
- either bring the eeprom and the bin file to an electronic repair shop, so that they program the firmware in the eeprom
- or use by yourself an eeprom programmer (as CH341A programmers or better) to reprogram the eeprom with the new bin file,
3) reassemble the eeprom on its socket in the RMX printed circuit board,
4) and reassemble the Rmx, and cross finger that it works with DJConsole Rmx drivers (you know the Rmx cannot work without installing its drivers)
If you have understood it, then please confirm it, so that I send you the bin file and guidelines to open the Rmx.
i confirm i understood what i need to do, all those steps 1-4. Thank you
Hello Puetronet,
Thanks for answering.
I have sent
- a 7-day link with the firmware bin file (compressed in rar, so you must uncompress it to burn it in the eeprom)
- to your profile page (on https://community.hercules.com/participant/3119/ ), click on the enveloppe icon to get in the community area mailing system.
Its working!!!perfecto, after loong time RMX is alive again... thank you very very much. Have a nice day...
Hello Puetronet,
You are welcome, thanks for your feedback.
hi , i have the same problem , my rmx console is bricked during an update , can i please get some information and help with the files
Puetronet : when you succeeded flasing your eeprom , after that can you use it with windows 11 ?
can we get in touch if you cN help me with the process
thank you