Hola, antes que nada gracias por la atención que puedan llegar a darme.
Necesitaría saber la forma de recalibrar mis faders en la controladora Inpulse 500.
A pesar de que creo que mi crossfader está dañado debido a que se derramó líquido sobre él, querría probar este método a ver si funciona. Gracias.
Please contact Hercules tech support at
with the contact form as they can send you this guideline while this area is not an working forum as it lacks the messaging area I would have used to send you this guide?
Leí a más gente que le habían enviado la guía por aquí y por eso lo publiqué, siento la molestia.
Hello Redon13,
You are right, the former forum ( https://www.herculesdjmixroom.com/) had a private messaging area which made it possible to send a private messages with for example the calibration guide.
https://www.herculesdjmixroom.com forum was closed and replaced by the current area on which this feature this lacking, so we cannot send a private document like a calibration guide.
We can only release public documents on the current area.