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El equipo lo compre recién prácticamente lo estaba estrenando, y acabo de notar que la salida XLR del canal izquierdo presenta un ruido de interferencia que a momentos golpea duro,  será algún problema de firmware o problema técnico del conector o componente interno, cabe recalcar que en la salida RCA el audio sale normal sin problema ayuda por favor de urgencia... gracias de antemano  

3 Answers

Hello Reivax,

Welcome to the community area.

1) precise what are the speakers (brand & model) connected to the XLR output, and which input you use on these speakers,
2) confirm you do not mean the "Pop" sound which occurs when you switch on the Inpulse T7?

Can you run the following test:
1 - switch the 2 speakers, left & right, off
2 - switch DJControl Inpulse T7 off,
3 - remove the 2 XLR cables on the rear panel of Inpulse T7,
4 - connect the right speaker XLR cable to the left XLR output of Inpulse T7,
5 - make sure the computer power supply is connected to the wall power outlet,
5 - switch DJControl Inpulse T7 on, reduce the master volume to minimum, 
6 - run the DJ software, 
7 - play sound in the DJ software: do you hear the same interference noise, now in the right speaker?

Topic starter

Obviamente ya realice el cambio de cables y altavoces el problema no es en los cables mucho menos en los altavoces el problema es en el controlador, el sonido es constante no para tiene chasquidos a ratos fuertes.

Veo que varias personas se quejan por este defecto del equipo deben mejorar este equipo que a salido defectuoso varios usuarios tienen el mismo problema,


Hello Reivax,

This is Hercules user community area, where users talk with users, it is not Hercules technical support area. If you neither
- try to answer to the questions I have asked (brand & model of speakers, input used on the speakers) when I have tried to identify the cause of your problem,
- say hello to other users or read the forum guidelines,
then I am not sure what you look is the community area, and I suggest you call Hercules Technical support instead:

I understand you have a technical problem, and I realise it may be a setting issue, or a hardware defect, or a setup confidurarion, but the technical help one finds on a forum depends on the technical information one shares with the forum, since only you can see/hear/control your DJ setup, so if instead of providing technical information, you consider the community area does not deserve receiving answers, then good luck, you may get a better help if you talk to Hercules technical support team.